
Let’s Be MAD

It is never going to be easy dear creative. But it will eventually be worth it.

You can as well listen…

The above-captioned (MAD) is an acronym. Well, it seems that to achieve something of extraordinary worth, one has to do something extra. And that is exactly what this is all about.

The first letter is M, and that stands for Mindfulness. As creative, it is important you understand the power of the Mind in the creative process. The whole of life is the mind. Nothing can exist without it, and neither can anything be sustained without the mind. The most powerful element as far as creation is concerned. As we embark on this voyage, it is important for you to protect first, what goes into your mind, and that is exactly the determinant of what will proceed out of it.

The second letter is A, and that speaks to Association. Your association as a creative may not have instant consequences on you, but be sure that every association leaves you with something. There are people and environments that will eventually cripple your creativity. Also, there are people and associations that allow you to soar endlessly in the limitless realm of creativity. While I know you have the inalienable right to choose, please permit me to encourage you to embrace good company in this journey of creative adventure.

The D represents Determination. Behind every great accomplishment is a man or woman that is armed with that never-quitting spirit, who wakes up every morning and says ‘I CAN’ to that loud voice that usually screams ‘YOU CAN’T’, It is never going to be easy dear creative. But it will eventually be worth it.

So let’s be MAD. I guess it makes sense now.

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